Tokubetsu Juyo Shintogo Kunimitsu Tanto
Tanto - Mei: Kunimitsu                      Late-Kamakura Period
Nagasa: 23.1cm
Sori: Uchizori
Moto-Haba: 2.0cm
Saki-Haba: -
Moto-Kasane: 0.5cm
Kissaki-Naga: -
Nakago-Nagasa: 8.0cm
Nakago-zori: 0.2cm

Hira-zukuri, Mitsu-Mune, Uchizori Jinjo Tanto. 
Running Itame Hada has standing Mokume mixed. There is thick Ji-Nie and many Chikei. 
Ko-Nie Hoso-Suguha has Kinsuji. 
Sugu Boshi with Ko-Maru head. 
Hori: Omote has Ken, Ura has Bonji. 
Nakago is Furisode style, Jiri is small and somewhat straight cut. Yasuri is Katte-sagari. There is one Ana, double-cut, and the signature is placed below and in the center. 

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