Naotane with Yoshitane Horimono                                          
One of the Three Greats of the Shin-Shinto, Kiyomaro, Naotane and Masahide, this O-Dambira is a classic Namboku Soshu Sugata and has the Superlative work of the greatest Horimono carver, Yoshitane.  A Masterwork.
Rolling O-Mokume with Ji-Nie and Soshu Nie Midare with Nie Hotsure, Kinsuji and Sunagashi.

    With Tokugawa sword-box, Solid-Gold Kikumon Double Habaki and Tsuno Shira-saya. NBTHK Tokubetsu Kicho. It is important to note that the NBTHK specified Kantei for both Naotane and the Yoshitane Horimono, independently.
Please note that Juyo can be applied for, directly, with Tokubetsu Kicho

Carved, Solid Gold Interlatching Double

Solid Gold Double Habaki

This very Naotane is presented
                    in the Shin Shinto Taikan
pg 327
Omote side: Naotane
     Ura side: Yoshitane



Specifies the work for both Naotane and Yoshitane
Return: PP
